What Is Treasury?
Treasurers help shape the future of a company’s financial strategy. Most importantly, they make sure there’s enough money to pay the bills. Beyond that, treasurers manage the financial risks of an organization and ensure there’s funding for new ventures.
What Is Finance?
Finance manages the sources and uses of capital, ensuring proper governance and reporting over where it was, optimizing how it flows now, and supporting decisions of where the next unit of capital should go. Within finance, financial planning & analysis (FP&A) drives business decisions throughout the organization through three key services: integrated planning and forecasting, performance management and financial analysis.
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Glossary of Technical Terms
Just like any profession, treasury and finance has its own language. Check out common terms and definitions to get yourself familiar.
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AFP Grant Program
Learn more about the treasury and finance profession through education and networking at the annual AFP Conference. Grant recipients will receive complimentary registration to attend the conference.