Earning a credential is a long-term commitment to yourself and your career. Recertification is the process of renewing your certification through ongoing learning and professional development activities.
There are many advantages to keeping your certification active:
- Stay Relevant – continuing education will help you stay up-to-date as your profession evolves.
- Competitive Advantage – with your certification you will stand out among your peers as an expert in your field.
- Higher Salaries – as a certified professional you can earn more, receive promotions and gain recognition from your employer.
Check out our Recertification in a Minute video series for tips and guidance on keeping your certification active:
Recertification in a MinuteHOW TO RECERTIFY
To maintain your CTP or FPAC certification, you must recertify every three years. To do so, you must have enough continuing education credits, submit your credits for review and pay the recertification fee. Learn more about the earning and submitting credits:
Recertification Cycle
Your certification is valid for three years. The expiration date is printed on your certificate and is on the summary page of the AFP Online Recertification Resource Center.
For ease in record keeping, all three-year recertification cycles begin July 1 of the examination year and ends June 30 of the third year.
- If the exam was taken on any date within the June/July 2020 testing window the first recertification cycle is July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023.
- If the exam was taken on any date within the December 2020/January 2021 testing window the first recertification cycle is also July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023.
In order to maintain your CTP credential, you must earn a total of 36 recertification credits within a three-year recertification cycle, and for your FPAC credential you must earn a total of 45 recertification credits within the three-year recertification cycle.
- You may earn your recertification credits at any time during your three-year recertification cycle. You have the option to earn all your credits in one year or during the course of the three-year cycle.
- Additional credits earned beyond the required 36 or 45 credits cannot be "rolled over" to the next reporting cycle.
Reporting Year
The reporting year is the actual year that you are required to submit the 36 or 45 credits earned over the three-year recertification cycle and the recertification reporting fee. All credits must be earned by June 30 of your reporting year. The standard deadline to report credits is August 15 and the late deadline to report credits is October 15.
Example: 2020 reporting year includes credits earned from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023.
Online Reporting Fees (USD)
Member Status | Early Deadline Submit by August 15 | Standard Rate Submit by October 15 |
AFP Member | $85.00 | $135.00 |
Non-Member | $200.00 | $250.00 |
Paper Form Recertification Reporting Fees* (USD)
Member Status | Early Deadline Submit by August 15 | Standard Rate Submit by October 15 |
AFP Member | $110.00 | $160.00 |
Non-Member | $225.00 | $275.00 |
Recertification Extension Fees (USD)
Member Status | Extension Request Submit by June 30 | Extension Credit(s) Reporting (Submit by Dec. 31) |
AFP Member | $75.00 | $135.00 |
Non-Member | $150.00 | $225.00 |
*Fees are subject to change
Recertification Fee Waiver
If you are unemployed you may qualify for a waiver of the Recertification Reporting Fee. The Certification Committee will review each request case by case and will make the final decision on eligibility.
To qualify:
- Be prepared to recertify by having completed all continuing education credits
- Provide documentation verifying unemployment status and period of unemployment
- Submit a Recertification Fee Waiver Request Form
A fee waiver does not exempt you from the mandatory requirement to participate in the random audit conducted by AFP at the end of the recertification cycle.
Contact the Certification Department with any questions and to request a form:
Email: recertification@AFPonline.org
Phone: +1 301-907-2862
Recertification Deadlines
June 30 | Earn 36 (CTP) or 45 (FPAC) continuing education credits or request an extension |
August 15 | Standard deadline to report credits earned (Lower recertification fee applicable) |
October 15 | Late deadline to report credits earned (Higher recertification fee applicable) |
December 15 | Earn and report all outstanding credits earned under extension |
Request an Extension
If you are unable to meet the 36 (CTP) or 45 (FPAC) recertification credits requirement by the end of your three-year cycle, but have been working toward meeting the requirement by earning at least one (1) continuing education credit, you may request an extension. The maximum extension granted is six months, June 30 to December 15 of the reporting year. Further extensions will not be granted.
During the Extension Period
- Your credential will remain current during the period of your extension but you will shorten the length of your next reporting cycle since credits may not be used twice.
- Credits earned during the extension period cannot be used again in the following cycle.
- Excess credits earned above the 36 or 45 required can be applied to the next reporting cycle.
Submit Extension Request
To complete the extension request you have two options:
- Submit Online
- Submit Using an Extension Form
Submit Online
To request online you must first access the CTP/FPAC Reporting Tool, select the following:
- Log onto the website
- Click on "Manage My Account"
- Under "My Information" click "My CTP" or “My FPAC”
- Click on the "Continuing Education" tab
- You are now in the reporting tool
- Click on the link “Request Extension”
- You should be in the store to pay the “Extension Fee”
Submit Using an Extension Form
You can also use an Extension Form and submit payment for the extension fee ($75 for AFP members, $150 for non-members). Just send the completed form to recertification@afponline.org and you will receive a link to securely submit your credit card payment.
If paying by check, mail to:
Association for Financial Professionals
P.O. Box 64714
Baltimore, Maryland 21264 USA
Attn: Certification Department
Extension Form
Revocation and Reinstatement
If you have not completed the recertification process (reported the required credits or paid the recertification fee), your certification will be revoked and you will no longer be authorized to use the CTP, FPAC, CTP(CD) or CCM mark professionally. An official revocation notice will be sent.
Should you wish to reinstate the credential after revocation, you are required to submit a formal appeal to the AFP Certification Committee. For your appeal to be considered, you must submit the following:
- A letter or statement outlining the reason(s) for the lapse in reporting continuing education (CE) credits required for renewal.
- A non-refundable reinstatement appeal fee ($250 AFP- member, $300 non-member)
- A non-refundable Late Reporting Fee ($160 AFP-member, $275 non-member)
- A completed Reinstatement Appeal Form listing the outstanding 36 (CTP) or 45 (FPAC) continuing education credits earned since your last renewal. All credits must be completed prior to submission of the appeal.
- Supporting documentation for each CE activity being reported.
Examples of acceptable supporting documentation can be found here:
CTP Pre-approved CE Activities FPAC Pre-approved CE Activities
The appeal must be submitted within two years of the cycle end date for which credits were not reported.
Recertification Cycle After Being Reinstated
If your credential is reactivated through the appeal process your recertification cycle will begin where your last cycle ended.
If you regain the designation by retaking the CTP or FPAC exam the first recertification cycle will begin July 1 of the year of the testing window in which the exam was taken.
Reinstatement Appeal Form
Retired Status
Retired Status recognizes CTPs or FPACs who have permanently retired from active practice in either the treasury, FP&A, finance or accounting field(s) and who wish to apply for Retired Status. Retired Status cannot be used to retain the certifications due to hardship, unemployment, sabbatical or illness.
Requirements for Retired Status
- Applicants must have successfully completed at least one three-year certification cycle and must be a certificate holder in good standing.
- Applicants who are within six (6) months of their cycle end date must first recertify before applying for retired status.
Once accepted into Retired status, the certificate holder may no longer use the "Certified Treasury Professional", "CTP", "Certified Corporate FP&A Professional", "FPAC", "Certified Cash Manager", "CCM", "Certified Treasury Professional with Mastery
of Canadian Treasury Management", "CTP (CD)", designations. Instead, "Certified Treasury Professional (Retired)", "CTP (Retired)", "Certified Corporate FP&A Professional (Retired)", "FPAC (Retired)", "Certified Cash Manager (Retired)", "CCM (Retired)",
"Certified Treasury Professional with Mastery of Canadian Treasury Management (Retired)" or CTP "(CD)(Retired)" designations are to be used in your professional correspondences.
Benefits of Retired Status
- The credential holder will maintain continued use of the designation for the duration retired status is held.
- The requirement to submit continuing education credits and recertification fees are suspended.
- The certification will not lapse and the credential holder will retain a "good standing" record.
- A fee is not required to apply for retired status.
- A reactivation fee is not required.
Reactivation Under Retired Status
- The credential can be re-activated if the credential holder returns to a full or part-time treasury, FP&A, finance or accounting- related position.
- The credential holder must submit to the AFP Certification Committee, a letter requesting reinstatement, 36 (CTP) or 45 (FPAC) continuing education credits in the areas of treasury, FP&A, finance or accounting, proof of attendance, the Recertification Reporting Form and applicable recertification fee.
- Upon approval the credential holder's record will be re-activated to begin the recertification cycle on July 1st of the year in which the request is confirmed and a new certificate will be issued.
Retired Status Application
Inactive Status
CTP or FPAC Inactive Status recognizes credential holders who are unable to meet the recertification requirements due to an unusual and/or extenuating circumstance.
- During the period of Inactive Status, the designations cannot be used until it has been successfully reactivated.
- A credential holder may hold inactive status for no more than five years (60 months) from the date of confirmed approval. During this period the certification will not lapse and the requirement to submit recertification credits and the recertification fee will be suspended.
- The credential holder's certification record will remain in good standing.
- Further extensions beyond the 5 year period will not be granted. If the credential is not reactivated within 5 years the credential will be revoked and the credential holder will be required to apply for reinstatement under the reinstatement requirements in effect.
Eligibility for Inactive Status
- To be eligible for Inactive Status, the applicant must be a certificate holder in good standing.
- Application for inactive status must be submitted no later than March 1 of the year the applicant is due to recertify.
Reactivation Requirements
To reactivate the CTP or FPAC credential, a credential holder with inactive status is required to submit the following:
UP TO 3 years |
3 to 5 years |
Recertification Cycle Dates After Reactivation
After reactivation your first recertification cycle will begin July 1 of the year in which your credential becomes active.
Inactive Status Application
AFP conducts an audit of 5-10% of CTPs or FPACs. These credential holders are selected at random and have recertified in the previous three years. Audits are a standard practice across the certification industry. The purpose of recertification audits is to ensure that credential holder have earned the credits reported during their recertification cycle and to uphold the integrity of the Certified Treasury Professional and Certified Corporate FP&A Professional credentials.
If you are selected for the audit, you are required to participate and expected to adhere to the policies and procedures of the audit. If you cannot supply documentation that confirms completion of the reported continuing education activities, you will be considered delinquent and your credential may be revoked by the Certification Committee.
Random selection does not guarantee a credential holder will not be audited again. If this should occur the credential holder is required to comply with the audit requirements.