Sponsor Program

Gain the competitive advantage of AFP Sponsor Program Registration. With training dollars shrinking, CTPs, CCMs and Certified Corporate FP&A Professionals have become more selective in choosing programs offering Continuing Education (CE) credits. Get your program noticed by promoting it to a targeted audience of financial professionals. AFP will provide you with the documentation you need to show your program qualifies for CTP/CCM and Certified Corporate FP&A Professional recertification credits.

Sponsor Program CE Registration Index


Sponsor Guidelines and Licensing Requirements

AFP's Certification Designations

  • Certified Treasury Professional ® (CTP)
  • Certified Cash Manager (CCM)
  • Certified Corporate FP&A Professional (FP&A)

The AFP credentials serve as performance benchmarks in the corporate finance field and increase professionals’ credibility and visibility in the workplace. As such, these designations promote ongoing career development through continuing education requirements.


AFP’s CTP/CCM designations reflect an individual’s knowledge of corporate treasury and cash management practices and represent the highest standard of professionalism in treasury and cash management. To date, more than 28,000 individuals have earned the certification by successfully passing a rigorous examination and meeting work experience requirements.

CTP/CCM designees represent corporate and governmental professionals with broad responsibilities in the treasury field. The CTP/CCM certifications also enhance customer relations for bankers, financial services and management consultants, and providers of related services.

CTPs/CCMs must earn and report 36 CE credits every three years to maintain their credential.

Certified Corporate FP&A Professional

A Certified Corporate FP&A professional provides insights to the financial decision making process in an organization through financial projections (planning, budgeting and forecasting) and analysis. They understand the entire decision support process and are able to contribute to and be responsible for individual components of the process.

This credential, launched in 2013, helps to set the standard of professionalism in the financial planning & analysis profession while promoting ongoing career development.

Certified FP&A Professionals must earn and report 45 CE credits every three years.

Program Registration

AFP encourages organizations to provide timely continuing education activities to their members, clients, customers, prospects and/or personnel. And, because the CTP/CCM and FP&A programs have continuing education requirements, many providers of continuing education events apply for CTP/ CCM and FP&A sponsor registration. By submitting their CE events for administrative review and registration processing, organizations seeking to include the CTP and/or FP&A logos and program approval in their promotional literature can help boost their attendance numbers.

CTPs, CCMs and Certified FP&A professionals report recertification credits directly to AFP, and are not required to obtain course approval in advance of participating in a continuing education activity

Qualifying Programs


Under AFP's CTP recertification guidelines only programs covering topics in treasury/cash management, finance and accounting are eligible for CTP/CCM recertification credits.

Examples of programs that do not qualify for CTP/CCM credits:

  • Sessions specific to the benefits and features of a company's treasury/finance related products and services (excluding user group conferences)
  • Fundamental, introductory or exam-prep courses in finance or cash/treasury management
  • Personal career development sessions not specific to the finance or cash/treasury management fields (e.g. networking, "How to write a good cover letter")
  • Business development, marketing, customer service/sales skills sessions
  • Non-finance related computer application courses such as, but not limited to, Quickbooks and Microsoft Word
  • Archived webinars/Teleconferences without assessments

Certified Corporate FP&A Professional

Under AFP’s Certified FP&A Professional recertification guidelines, only programs covering topics related to gathering, interpreting, understanding and communicating business and financial information and building and interpreting financial projections are eligible for FP&A Professional recertification credits.

Examples of programs that do not qualify for FP&A Professional credits:

  • Organizational products/services and /or sales-specific marketing or business development presentations
  • Fundamental or introductory or self-directed exam-prep courses in corporate finance or corporate financial planning
  • Non-finance related computer software application courses such as Access and MS Word
  • Personal career development topics not specific to finance or corporate financial planning & analysis
  • Personal finance or personal financial planning topics
  • Corporate banking and treasury topics
  • Archived webinars/Teleconferences without assessments

Program Delivery Methods

University/College Courses: Offered by a college or university, generally over the course of a semester or trimester. Instructor-led, either face-to-face or online. Includes at least one, usually multiple, assessments through out the duration of the course. A three- or four-credit course is equivalent to 18 credits.

Conferences: An event lasting one or more days that offers attendees the opportunity to choose from concurrent sessions on a variety of topics. Credit is determined by the total of available 50-minute classroom sessions that one person could reasonably attend in their entirety.

Seminars: An event covering one topic that lasts as few as 50 minutes up to several days. Credit is determined by dividing the total minutes of instruction, less breaks and meals, by 50.

Career Development: Seminars, conferences, etc. concerning subject matter not specific to the treasury/finance/accounting industry. Acceptable career development topics include leadership oriented activities, job-search strategies and presentation skills. Credit is determined by dividing the total minutes of instruction, less breaks and meals, by 50. CTP/CCMs may claim a maximum of three credits in career development topics per three-year cycle. FP&As may claim a maximum of five credits in career development topics per three-year cycle.

Self-Directed and Prerecorded Offerings: Course that are not taught in a face-to-face setting by an instructor or presenter, such as self-directed online courses and prerecorded webinars, must include an assessment and certificate of completion to be eligible for approval. Assessments must have an 80% passing score. Credit is determined by dividing the total minutes of instruction by 50.

Partial Credit Program Registration

AFP may approve selected portions of a program as eligible for CTP/CCM and/or FP&A Professional recertification credits. In this occurrence, the sponsor will be informed of the sessions that are not approved for credits. Sponsors must then inform attendees/registrants of qualifying and non-qualifying sessions.

Using Logos and Approved Tag Line

Promotional materials for programs approved by AFP for CTP/ CCM credits must include the following tag line: Approved for up to _____ CTP/CCM recertification credits by the Association for Financial Professionals.

Promotional materials for programs approved by AFP for FP&A Professional credits must include the following tag line: Approved for up to _____ FP&A Professional recertification credits by the Association for Financial Professionals.

The sponsor must receive prior authorization from AFP to alter the approved tagline.Logos are available in .tif and .gif formats.

Application Process

The Sponsor Program Application should be be submitted at least two weeks prior to the program date or when approval is required for marketing purposes, whichever is earlier. This ensures adequate time for processing and allows the sponsoring organization to use the logos in their marketing materials. An expedited approval fee applies to programs requiring approval in three business days or less.

Organizations interested in having their program reviewed for CTP/CCM and/or FP&A Professional recertification credits must submit the following:

  • A completed Sponsor Program Application. This includes a Limited License Agreement for use of the logos, and the approved AFP tag lines.
  • Program agenda indicating session title, content description, speaker name and bio, event date, length of each session (start and end times), scheduled breaks and/ or meals.
  • Description of the method of assessment and a sample "certificate of completion" if applicable.
  • Registration Fee

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Each program requires a separate application. Only one application needs to be submitted for a program that will be presented on multiple dates or locations. (Include all dates and locations on the application form.)

The Licensing Agreement and approval letter are effective for 1 year from the date of the letter. During this period the Sponsor will not be assessed an additional fee if the original program is repeated and the agenda remains unchanged. Once the agreement expires the Sponsor must resubmit the program for approval.


Confirmation of Approved Programs

Sponsors submitting qualifying continuing education programs will receive, via email, a letter confirming approval and camera-ready copies of the logo(s). The letter includes the attachment "Sponsor Program Registration Form" which must be distributed to event participants so they may report and document the approved continuing education credits for that program.
Sponsors will be notified if a continuing education program is not approved.

Program Changes


The Sponsor must notify AFP and registrants/attendees if a program approved for CTP/CCM and/or FP&A Professional credits is cancelled for any reason. Cancelled programs will be removed from the AFP Events Calendar if posted.
The Sponsor will be refunded 50% of the initial registration fee.

Changes to Agenda

The Sponsor must notify AFP if the agenda of a program approved for CTP/ CCM and/or FP&A Professional credits is changed for any of the following reasons:

  • Date and/or Location
    The Sponsor will receive a revised approval letter and an updated registration form for distribution to attendees.
    A new application is not required.
  • Session Times
    The Sponsor will receive a revised approval letter if credits are adjusted due to a change in session times.
    A new Sponsor Program Application and agenda must be submitted for review.

Changes to Agenda of Repeat Programs

If a program approved for CTP/CCM credits is revised and is being repeated within the 1 year agreement a new application must be submitted for review.

Program Registration Renewal

A new application must be submitted to renew any program approved for CTP/CCM and/or FP&A Professional credits and that will be repeated after the agreement has expired.

Promoting Approved Programs Through AFP

Programs approved for CTP/CCM and/or FP&A Professional credits may be listed on the AFP Events Calendar. The program title, date(s) offered, location(s), Sponsor name and contact information will be included. To promote a program approved for CTP/CCM and/or FP&A Professional credits indicate your request on the Sponsor Program CE Application


Calculating Credit

Every 50 minutes of a qualifying program, including Q&A, is equivalent to one recertification credit. Scheduled meals and breaks are not included. To determine the number of credits a program offers, the total number of qualified minutes is divided by 50.


Program sponsors are assessed an administrative processing and logo usage fee of $100 per approved recertification credit, whether that credit is approved for CTP/CCM, FP&A or both programs.

For example:

Session A: 50 minutes, approved for 1 CTP/CCM credit only = $100

Session B: 50 minutes, approved for 1 FP&A credit only = $100

Session C: 50 minutes, approved for both 1 CTP/CCM and 1 FP&A credit = $100

Total fee for conference = $300

Prepayment by credit card is required for amounts of $500 or less. Invoicing is available for amounts over $500 only and payment is due within 30 days of invoice.

Note: The fee is waived for AFP/TMA Regional Associations


Expedited Approval Fees

Applications should be submitted two weeks in advance of when an approval is needed.  When an approval is needed within three business days a $35 per credit expedited approval fee applies.  

Note:  This fee is NOT waived for AFP/TMA Regional Associations or annual contract holders. 

Non-compliance Policies

The Limited License Agreement outlines the proper usage of the CTP and FP&A Professional logos, and promotional tag line. Variations are prohibited. Failure to comply with these policies may result in any or all of the following:

  • Sponsor will not receive approval for their program.
  • If the logos and/or tag line are included in a sponsor's promotional material without AFP's prior authorization the Sponsor must issue a retraction to the attendees/registrants.
  • The Sponsor will be required to pay a fee, based on $100 per CE credit, for the unapproved use of the logos and/or tag line.
  • The sponsor may be placed on probation and may not be permitted to submit future programs for approval.

Attendee Records

For auditing purposes all CTP/CCM and FP&A Professional designees are required to retain proof of their participation in the CE programs being reported. Sponsors must therefore distribute the Sponsor Program Registration Form accompanying the approval letter to their program attendees/registrants.

For more information on the Certified Treasury Professional and Certified Corporate FP&A Professional credentials, please visit www.AFPonline.org and click “Certification.”

Sponsor Program CE Application

The Sponsor Program CE Application consists of two forms, the Sponsor Program Registration Form and the Limited License Agreement. Both must be completed and submitted with the program agenda, indicating session titles and content description, lengths of each session, speakers, bios, scheduled breaks and meals.

The Sponsor Program CE Application is available for download here.

Contact the Certification Department with any questions

Phone: +1.301.907.2862
Fax: +1.301.907.2864
Email: certification@AFPonline.org
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