AFP Service Codes

Since 1986, AFP Services Codes© have been recognized as the standard for identifying balances and charges that appear on account analysis statements and in responding to RFPs.

Domestic Standards

The 2020 AFP Services Codes© include 367 new codes for banking services that have become more widely adopted in recent years in addition to revisions to over 653 codes to reflect changes since the 2013 edition. Two new areas of code families are Integrated Funds Transfer Services and Trade Finance Services.  In addition to new and modified codes, AFP has identified a number of outdated codes for services that banks no longer offer; in these cases, we refer users to a more appropriate code. This edition is produced as part of AFP's continuing commitment to promote standardization in treasury practices and banking reporting.

Treasury places a premium on the rapid and efficient processing of information. AFP Service Codes© are tools that bring efficiency to the analysis of bank compensation. Standardized service codes:

  • Enable resource-constrained treasury staff to produce actionable analyses in minimal time.
  • Help treasury managers track the increasing number of services they receive from banks.
  • Guide cost-sensitive treasury managers in receiving value for price in their banking services.
  • Organize, rationalize and automate a complex, tedious chore.

In today's increasingly complex treasury management environment, businesses and banks have concluded that using AFP Service Codes© in bank reporting provides value to both parties. The 2020 AFP Service Codes are available by subscription and are available to AFP members at a discounted price.

Purchase a subscription to the AFP Domestic Service Codes ($349 for AFP members / $449 for non-members).

Subscribers Access the Domestic Service Codes.

Global Standards

Designed specifically to work with the TWIST BSB format, the 2011 AFP Global Service Codes© includes over 800 codes for banking services that are widely adopted across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific Rim. The new AFP Global Service Codes were produced as part of AFP's continuing commitment to promote the global standardization in treasury practices and bank reporting. One important difference between the Global and domestic codes is the length of the code field. Due to the differences between the ANSI X12 and TWIST BSB formats, AFP Global Service codes are 8 digits while the domestic codes are 6 digits. Below are some of the highlighted product categories included in the AFP Global Service Codes:

  • General Account Services, Custody Services, and Credit Services.
  • Lockbox Services, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Depository Services.
  • Automatic Investment Services, SWIFT Services, and Disbursement Reconciliation Services.
  • Information Reporting and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

The AFP Service Codes and AFP Global Service Codes are available by subscription and are available to AFP members at a discounted price - each product is offered individually and as a package when purchased together at the same time. As a bonus, a mapping tool is provided for those who purchase the AFP Global Service Codes to match them with the corresponding domestic service code or codes* where applicable.

Purchase a subscription to the AFP Global Service Codes ($399 for AFP members / $449 for non-members).
Purchase a bundled subscription to the Domestic and Global AFP Service Codes ($749 for AFP members / $849 for non-members).
Subscribers Download the latest Global Service Codes.

*Please note that only the corresponding domestic code will be given and not other information such as description.


AFP Global Codes Assignment Paper

The AFP Global Service Codes provide transparency into the world of bank billing.The code set was created specifically for use with the TWIST BSB or camt.086 bank billing file format and only apply to commercial treasury services, most specifically cash management services. The latest version of the codes now includes codes for other products such as card, trade, and custody services for those banks that have the ability to include these charges within the camt.086 format.This document aims to help banks and treasurers who are attempting to map their current services to the AFP Global Codes and provide some helpful tips.

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