
Check Fraud Needs a Rebrand
Check fraud continues to be the top source of fraud in the United States, year after year. Despite mountains of evidence that checks are, in fact, among the least secure payment methods available, the message simply isn’t getting through to a lot of organizations. Why is that?


4 FP&A Technology Mistakes to Avoid
To help FP&A professionals avoid missteps with their technology, AFP brought together a panel of experts for a webinar discussing data management, enterprise performance management (EPM) software implementation, balancing finance and IT responsibilities, and the trust factor that is crucial to data-driven decision-making for executives.


7 Most Widely Used Treasury Skills to Acquire
Today’s treasury teams are embracing a more strategic role, optimizing capital allocation, managing risk proactively and ensuring their organizations remain resilient in an ever-changing global landscape. Given the evolving nature of treasury, continuous skills development is essential to career success.


10 In-Demand FP&A Skills to Develop
Hiring managers expect FP&A professionals to have both hard skills, such as traditional finance and accounting expertise and technology proficiency, and soft skills, such as communication and business partnering.


Customized In-house Bank Account Management Solution Transforms Treasury Operations
In a joint effort with IT, Clarion Partners developed a custom in-house system, BARS (Bank Account Request System), to streamline account opening, track account information and centralize documentation. The system has transformed their treasury operations, reducing risks and improving efficiency.


Credit Card Processing Explained: What It Is and How It Works
Given the prominence of credit cards in the payments landscape, having a thorough understanding of credit card processing is important to optimizing payments solutions and managing costs effectively.


How to Decide Whether to Lease or Buy Capital Assets
Whether you’re expanding operations, upgrading technology or managing your real estate footprint, knowing when to lease and when to buy can significantly impact your company's financial flexibility and bottom line.


How a Fintech Used Machine Learning-Based Forecasting and Business Partnering to Improve Cost Optimization
This case study reveals how a finance organization can become a key driver of strategic execution by leveraging machine learning (ML)-based forecasting and embedded business partners.


Creating an Effective Enterprise Risk Management Roadmap
This article guides finance professionals through the process of creating an ERM roadmap to elevate their organization's ERM efforts, emphasizing the importance of ERM in strategic decision-making and the role of feedback loops in this process.


Getting ROI From AI in Finance
For the majority, unclear ROI remains a key barrier to AI adoption, along with related challenges in expertise and strategy. AFP brought together finance and AI experts to share their insights on how companies can obtain that elusive value from their AI investments.


Strategies for Managing Your Company’s Short-Term Investments
Short-term investment management revolves around three fundamental objectives: preserving principal (safety), maintaining liquidity and generating returns.


An In-House AI Solution to Improve FX Exposure Forecasting Accuracy
Faced with a forecasting process that was time-consuming, labor-intensive and prone to error, the treasury team at ASML collaborated with its data science colleagues to create a fully automated AI-powered model.


Managing Vendors to Prevent Fraud
No matter how sophisticated fraud solutions become, payments fraud still runs rampant in the business world. The 2024 AFP® Payments Fraud and Control Survey Report found that 80% of organizations experienced actual or attempted fraud in 2023 — an increase of 15 percentage points since the previous year. Thirty percent of those organizations were unable to recover the funds they lost.


Interchange Fees Explained: What They Are and How They Work
Interchange fees can add up to considerable costs for organizations that accept card payments. Understanding what interchange fees are and how they work is important to managing these costs effectively.


AFP FP&A Advisory Councils Reflect on 2024 and Look Ahead to 2025
AFP’s North America, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) Financial Planning and Analysis Advisory Councils (FPAACs) help AFP deliver insightful, relevant and timely content to our membership and the FP&A community worldwide.


An Introduction to Account Analysis Statements
An account analysis statement is a comprehensive financial document that banks, typically in the United States, provide to corporate account holders, often monthly. It lists the fees for banking services provided to the corporate client and any offsetting earnings credits for deposited funds.


How Behavioral Biases and Culture Impact Risk Management
The AFP community discussed behavioral biases and cultural considerations in risk management, how CFOs are constantly balancing risk versus reward, and how the treasury and FP&A functions each play critical roles in managing risk.


An Introduction to Project Management for Finance
Whether or not you are formally tasked with project management, having project management skills can help you better satisfy stakeholder expectations and build allies throughout the organization.


The Value of Payments Pre-Validation
By utilizing pre-validation, organizations can verify critical information before payments are sent, reducing fraud and errors while minimizing delays and providing a streamlined experience.


Choosing a Current Asset Investment and Financing Strategy
The current asset investment and financing strategies you choose must consider several factors, including management’s risk tolerance, sales stability and predictability, lender concerns, the interest rate environment, availability of funds and supplier reliability.


3 Ways AI Will Impact the Payments World in 2025
While no one knows for sure what developments will have the biggest impact, it’s safe to assume that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a key role in payments in the new year — for better or for worse.


Trends Shaping the Future of Treasury
Today’s changing political environment and fluctuating economic conditions increase the pressure to adapt and future-proof treasury operations. Resilience has become a defining theme for treasury.


20 Treasury and FP&A Stats From 2024 You Should Know
We’re an organization that loves numbers, so we gathered 20 important stats from AFP’s 2024 surveys that every treasury and FP&A professional should know.


The Most Popular AFP Content of 2024
See the list of top AFP research and guides, articles and training from 2024, and discover which topics were the most popular among treasury and finance professionals this past year.


Experts Answer: What Matters Most in a Successful Banking Relationship?
Experts discuss how the 2024 AFP Bank Relationship Management Survey findings translate, particularly when adapting to current challenges like integration issues, increased due diligence and evolving service expectations.


A Multi-layered Approach to Combatting Payments Fraud
During an AFP webinar, industry experts discussed how things have changed since results from the 2024 AFP Payment Fraud and Control Survey, underwritten by Truist, were reported. There are new fraud trends, as well as methods organizations are taking to combat them.


Why Finance Professionals Should Pause to Zoom Out for Better Results
In the fast-paced world of finance, it’s easy to focus solely on the next deliverable, deadline or deal. But have you ever considered that stepping back — pausing and zooming out — might actually help your team generate more innovative and creative outcomes?


What Finance Professionals Learned in 2024
With each new year comes the opportunity to learn and grow. Some lessons are inspiring, and some can be a challenge, but all are worthwhile.


Finance Professionals Share Their Goals for 2025
Looking for inspiration for your goals? We asked members of our global FP&A Advisory Councils to share with us some of their professional goals for 2025.


7 Ways to Support Employee Career Development and Advancement
Show your workers they have both company and manager support in their desire to grow professionally.


Making the Case for AP Automation at AFP 2024
While automation is ideal for many AP departments, convincing the CFO to invest in the technology requires the identification of key pain points and a careful business case to show why such an investment is needed.


How to Navigate Supply Chains in a Volatile World
CFOs’ focus has shifted to a defensive, risk-averse stance when it comes to the supply chain — regardless of whether they are a producer or a consumer of goods.


Risk Management Requires Close Collaboration Between Treasury and FP&A
The reality of today’s complex and often unpredictable world of corporate finance is that companies can no longer allow FP&A and Treasury to operate in silos.


How to Set Goals for 2025
The start of a new year is synonymous with goal setting. We spend the year-end reflecting on what we accomplished, what didn’t work out, and how we want the new year to be different, and then we set goals accordingly.


5 Insights on Navigating Treasury Technology
Technology is fundamentally transforming the treasury function. Automation is freeing treasury teams to focus on value-added activities such as strategic planning, risk management and business advisory services.


AFP Announces New Board Leadership and 5 New Members to Its Board of Directors
AFP is proud to introduce the new chair, vice chairs and five new members to its Board of Directors.


Understanding the Difference Between Cash Flow and Profit
Cash flow and profit are two essential financial metrics. Understanding the difference between the two is important to effective decision-making for an organization.


5 Components of a Data Strategy
Developing a robust data strategy has become increasingly important for treasury organizations as they seek to take advantage of opportunities to build actionable forecasting and planning tools.


Who Is Your Minister of Digital Transformation?
During the Payments Keynote address at AFP 2024, Kelvin Coleman, who formerly served as Executive Director for TIC Council Americas and CEO and Executive Director of the National Cybersecurity Alliance, urged treasury and finance professionals to identify an individual — a Minister of Digital Transformation — to address unforeseen threats and challenges.


4 Tips to Future-Proof Treasury
The current rapid pace of innovation in treasury technology offers plenty of opportunities for treasurers to improve operational efficiency.


Displaying 1-40 of 1246 results.
