AFP Conversations Podcast

  • Retail Payments: Resolving Reconciliations, Shrinkage, and More 07/26/2018

    Tyler Wolf, a product manager at Balance Innovations, offers advice on managing bank accounts and retail payments.

  • The State of FP&A, Forecasting and Excel with Bryan Lapidus 07/19/2018
    Bryan Lapidus, director of AFP's FP&A practice, shares insights on the future of FP&A.
  • How Blockchain Can Ease Regulatory Burden for Treasury and Finance 07/12/2018

    Blockchain's role in simplifying regulatory compliance for treasury and finance professionals.

  • Why is the Most Important Number in the World Going Away? 07/05/2018

    Understand the transition from LIBOR, the widely-used interest rate benchmark, and its replacement.

  • Surviving a TMS Upgrade with Jon Burkhead of OpenText 06/28/2018

    OpenText successfully upgrades its treasury management system, utilizing one of its own products to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Why Ron Insana is Skeptical of Bitcoin 06/21/2018
    Gain insights from Ron Insana's views on blockchain and bitcoin in an episode of AFP Conversations.
  • The Art of the Story With Master Storyteller Doug Stevenson 06/18/2018

    Doug Stevenson, a master storyteller, discusses storytelling in treasury and finance and shares his experience. He'll be a featured speaker at AFP 2018.

  • Finance Leadership Reinvented in the Machine Intelligence Era 06/07/2018

    Mike Walsh, a futurist and author, discusses business organization in the 21st century and offers insights for treasury and finance adaptation.

  • Talking International Payments With Ryan Stewart of Bambora 06/01/2018
    Ryan Stewart discusses intriguing developments in the Canadian payment landscape.
  • Where Are All the Quick Wins for Blockchain? 05/24/2018
    Tom Klein explores the quick wins and benefits of blockchain for treasury and finance professionals, emphasizing the need to consider short-term advantages.

Displaying 151-160 of 253 results.

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