AFP Conversations Podcast

  • Navigating Today's Global Markets & Mastering Uncertainty 12/29/2016

    Nader Mousavizadeh explores coping strategies for treasurers and CFOs in managing rising geopolitical risk and uncertainty in the finance landscape.

  • John Fruin: From Finance to Treasury to FP&A 12/22/2016

    John Fruin discusses his multifaceted career, managing millennials, and challenges in FP&A in an interview on AFP Conversations.

  • The Treasurer-Turned-Politician: Utah's David Damschen 12/15/2016

    David Damschen, CTP, shares his unique challenges as State Treasurer of Utah and his successful campaign in a conversation with host Ira Apfel.

  • China, India, and America's Focus on Emerging Markets 12/08/2016

    Anja Manuel discusses the relationship between China, the U.S., and India, highlighting the importance of emerging markets for treasurers and CFOs.

  • What You Don’t Say Says A Lot: The Art of Nonverbal Communication 11/30/2016

    Finance executive turned coach reveals nonverbal communication mistakes and fixes.

  • Blockchain in Treasury and Finance: Time to Embrace? 11/24/2016

    Steve Mott explains the differences between bitcoin and blockchain and their potential adoption in the industry.

  • How Can FP&A Drive Enterprise Value? Peter Geiler Explains. 11/17/2016

    Learn about the importance of financial planning and analysis for the enterprise from Peter Geiler, a senior finance manager at Kaiser Permanente, and his journey into wine-making.

  • Managing a Multicultural Workforce with Erin Meyer 11/09/2016

    Explore strategies for managing a multicultural workforce in finance and navigate cultural differences with insights from author and professor Erin Meyer.

  • LIVE From AFP Annual Conference: Jim Kaitz Wraps Up Day 1 11/09/2016

    AFP's CEO Jim Kaitz shares his favorite session from the 2016 AFP Annual Conference and previews the latest benefit for AFP members.

  • LIVE From AFP Annual Conference: Jeff Johnson Wraps Up Day 2 11/09/2016

    Jeff Johnson, Amesbury Truth CFO, shares his volunteer experiences with AFP and goals as Chairman. Interview conducted at AFP Annual Conference.

Displaying 241-250 of 253 results.

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