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Corporate Treasury Technology Preparedness for LIBOR Transition

Supported by PMC

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LIBOR is in the process of being retired and replaced with new alternative rates. The Corporate Treasury Technology Preparedness for LIBOR Transition White Paper, supported by PMC, details the transition away from LIBOR and its impacts on the corporate treasurer.

While most treasury and finance groups are actively categorizing, documenting and negotiating the replacement of their LIBOR based financial instruments, an underappreciated risk resides in systems risk for the financial tracking and administration of new alternate rates like SOFR.

Many organizations are looking to address this treasury technology gap risk after the contracts are renegotiated. The potentially extended time frame, costs and staff impact requirements of correcting the technology gap, make addressing it immediately more critical.

DOWNLOAD the whitepaper 

Additional LIBOR Resources

Upcoming Webinar

What To Do Now Before LIBOR Ends
Dec 8, 2021
2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
Credits: 1.2 CTP/CCM | 1.2 CPE Credits

LIBOR will cease to be calculated for most settings at the end of 2021. Based on the AFP Executive Guide: Managing the LIBOR Transition, we highlight the timeframe for LIBOR and the implications it might have on corporate borrowers. We also examine technology’s role in the transition. Leave this webinar with a better understanding of what to do if you haven’t already made plans for the LIBOR transition.

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