Additional unbiased content that helps you navigate innovative treasury and finance trends, topics and technologies.

The Digital Transformation of Treasury: A Critical Imperative

In collaboration with Zanders

Treasury Transformation

The current technology landscape contains a tsunami of innovative technologies that are available now or just on the horizon. Zanders, a leading global treasury, finance and risk consultancy is delighted to collaborate with AFP in the production of this 4-part series of articles to take a more practical look at the Digital Transformation of Treasury. The aim is to both define and demystify the enabling technologies in addition to highlighting the relevance and the fact that adoption of new technology is no longer a choice, but a critical business strategy. View the interactive findings here.

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The Whitepaper Consists of 4 Parts

1. The Current Technology Landscape

Start with getting familiar with the six core transformational technologies that will ultimately re-define and elevate corporate treasury.

2. Current Adoption Rates

Current adoption rates of digital technologies may be higher than you think. How far down the road is your treasury department? Part 2 looks at the current state of digital treasury adoption.

3. The Drag in Corporate Adoption of New Treasury Technologies

When digital technologies aren’t adopted quickly, what is the cause. Part 3 examines those digital technologies that are lagging behind in being implemented by departments and why.

4. The Digital Transformation Roadmap

A digital transformation roadmap is more than just the technology, it needs to embrace the broader business strategy, with collaboration and partnership the key to success. Find the principles and questions you need to ask for success.

Attend the Companion Webinar:

Digitalization or Transformation: What’s the Difference?
July 15, 1:00 - 2:00 PM SGT. Register here.