2022 AFP FP&A Benchmarking Survey

Participate in AFP's FP&A Benchmarking Survey
In most years, creating a budget or forecast is challenging, but it's especially difficult now, due to the abnormal basis of comparison (2020 and 2021 have been anything but normal!), changes in the consumer market, supply chain disruptions, or any number of changes that render business-as-usual assumptions as misleading or outdated.
AFP’s FP&A Benchmarking Survey will help you create and defend your planning assumptions in selected, challenging areas, based on input from the finance community. Companies are keen to know if their 2022 assumptions are appropriate and within reasonable bounds in areas related to pandemic response, supply chain disruptions, inflation, and other areas. The resulting data repository will be a tool that companies can refer to throughout the year to understand their own assumptions, how the economy is changing, and assess their risk appetites as measured in their projections.
Participate in the FP&A Benchmarking SurveyWhat is Benchmarking?
You will enter data using a survey tool that anonymizes and aggregates individual responses. Then, you will be able to filter the data by relevant demographics (company size, geography, industry), and then download comparative reports, benchmarking results and key performance indicators. Within these reports you will be able to view and compare responses with that of your peers.
Participate now and we will email you in late October when the data is robust and ready to assist in your planning process.
To ensure your information is included, you must complete at least 50 percent of the survey.
If you received an email inviting you to participate with log-in details, please use those credentials to begin participating.
Need to register?
If you need log-in credentials, Click here to register to participate in the FP&A Benchmarking Survey.
Questions about this subject?
Contact Bryan Lapidus, Director of FP&A Practice at AFP.
Questions about participating in the Survey?
Please email Research@afponline.org
This email is monitored regularly within the hours of 8:30 am – 5 pm ET Monday to Friday and from 8:30 am – 1 pm on Fridays.
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