Check out the examples below of accepted sessions from past AFP Conferences with commentary on why they got the green light.

Achieving Automation and Agility using Low Code/No Code Technologies

Proposal Description: Achieving agility and value in core FP&A functions requires the correct combination of technology and data. Providing solid financial outputs and scenario models depends on understanding operational results and the impact they have on financial planning. Technology that can easily handle, combine, and merge various large data sets and connections will empower FP&A professionals to build and iterate through models, creating even more value for the business and giving analysts back countless hours that they can use to analyze the data rather than simply compiling it. Historically these kinds of technologies felt out of bounds for the average FP&A analyst as they required programming backgrounds, but the emergence of low-code/no-code technologies has opened new doors for FP&A teams, providing solutions that are easily incorporated into the day-to-day financial planning functions.

Why is Topic Important for Treasury and/or Finance Practitioners: There is an asymmetrical relationship between the responsibilities Finance bears and the resources available to scale alongside the business. Companies do not have years to update and maintain their processes, they must be updated and new logic applied in real-time. With the advent of low-code tools, the analytic power that was once reserved for programmers is now available to the business user! Intuitive tools can be picked up, learned, and applied by the business. This reduces the dependency on IT and allows Finance to flex with the variability of the business cycle. This results in a more nimble, agile, and powerful Finance function, allowing FP&A to work smarter, not harder.

Reviewer Feedback:

  • Very strong presentation and conception, important topic that includes multiple identified corporate practitioner co-presenters.
  • Submission feels like a really practical session, which makes me want to hear more.
  • Highly relevant topic that includes a great line-up of speakers due.
  • I like the idea of "demystifying" automation and learning what kinds of tools beyond Excel can be adopted and used by finance.
  • This submission seems like they have some concrete examples that will help bring the concepts to life.

Investing in DEI & ESG: How Corporate Finance Teams can Drive Social Impact

Proposal Description: Find out how leading finance teams are addressing diversity, equity and inclusion goals by investing and depositing funds into community financial institutions (CFIs)—and how CFIs deliver reportable social impact while providing yields comparable to conventional investments. CNote CEO Catherine Berman moderates a discussion with Xylem Director of Treasury Aaron Johnston and Netflix Treasurer Shannon Alwyn about the investor perspective on building a balance sheet impact program, and a minority depository institution leader on how these issuers leverage the capital for community advancement. The session will provide real-life case studies from Netflix and Xylem and an inside look at CFIs as an investment issuer. Johnston and Alwyn will break down their approaches to achieving targeted returns and trackable impact, integrating CFI investments with overall DEI and cash management strategies, and how they’ve matched their investments with broader corporate DEI and ESG priorities.

Why is This Topic Important for Treasury and/or Finance Practitioners: Corporations pursuing DEI goals are seeking positive impact beyond their own workforce, and treasury department roles are expanding to contribute to this effort. One of a treasury team’s most powerful levers is using its balance sheet to drive equity and inclusion in communities the company serves. But finding the path forward can seem daunting given today’s demands for yield and cost-cutting—particularly for those seeking scalable, trackable impact. CFIs accessible via next-generation data platforms provide a simple solution that has already been adopted by major brands. This panel offers the perspectives of two investors and an issuer to give treasury professionals real-world examples and strategies they can use to implement an impact cash program in their own companies. It’s a rare glimpse into two very different worlds that will bolster the audience’s understanding of financial inclusion, their role in it and how to present this win to others.

Reviewer Feedback:

  • Session proposal includes knowledgeable speakers that have successfully spoken at previous AFP Events.
  • Proposal hits on a hot topic for the industry and includes a good mix of corporate practitioner and consultant speakers.
  • The format for this session proposal makes sense. It supports a robust discussion and includes treasurers that attendees want to hear from.