Introduction to Finance Data Analysis

This module provides an overview of Finance Data Analytics. You will learn why, when, and how to apply data and analytics in real-world business and finance situations to measure and better manage the assets of an organization.


    2 Hours


    • Spot business opportunities and use-cases for finance data and analytics
    • Identify the 4 key building blocks of data analytics
    • Learn to build KPI based Measurement Model

    Business Data and IT Systems for Finance Leaders

    Data Analytics is dependent on technology and the Data/IT team to get results. This course will help Finance leaders get a good overview of the technical aspects involved in data analytics to better understand the technical aspects. This will help them to collaborate with Data/IT Teams in acquiring data and in building data analytics solutions.


      2 Hours


      • Understand the purpose of data, types of data and their characteristics
      • Learn the 3 types of IT systems and their functions
      • Learn the Data Lifecycle from origination and consumption including methods to acquire data

      Exploratory Descriptive Analytics in Finance

      Exploratory Descriptive Analytics (EDA) is often the first step in analyzing data. It allows us to understand the data we are dealing by describing and summarizing the dataset’s main characteristics on vital KPIs such as production, financials, operations, sales, finance, inventory and customers.


        2 Hours


        • Understand the “3D” characteristics of EDA
        • Learn the 14 key Measures of Central Tendency and Variation
        • Techniques to profile business data

        Associative Descriptive Analytics in Finance

        Associative Descriptive Analytics (ADA) helps one allows us to understand the relationship between different business variables. While here are many measures of association, and only some of these are correlations, and often correlations is not causation in business.


          2 Hours


          • Learn how to use correlation, an indication of the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables to identify relationships
          • Spot the difference between correlation and causation
          • Learn Correlation and Apriori techniques to measure relationships

          Inferential Descriptive Analytics

          Inferential Descriptive Analytics (IDA) uses analytical tools for drawing conclusions about a population by examining sample data. The goal is to make generalizations about a population from the sample data that is selected scientifically.

            COURSE LENGTH

            2 Hours


            • Understand the need for Inferential Data Analytics
            • Learn the strategies to select sample data
            • Techniques to draw conclusions on the population data based on sample data

            Predictive Analytics in Finance

            Predictive Data Analytics is the use of business knowledge, data, and data science models to identify the likelihood of future outcomes. The goal of Predictive data analytics is to providing a best assessment of what will happen in the future so as to better prepare and respond to the future events in business and finance.

              COURSE LENGTH

              2 Hours


              • Business Value of Predictive Data Analytics
              • Use Regression Models to show how a dependent variable changes based on independent variables
              • Evaluating Regression Predictive Data Analytics Models to predict outcomes

              Essentials of Machine Learning for Finance Leaders

              This module will offer an understanding of Machine Learning (ML) concepts and techniques in order to solve a business and finance problem using supervised learning, unsupervised learning and ensemble learning models.

                COURSE LENGTH

                2 Hours


                • Get a good understanding of ML ecosystem: data, model, ethics, complexity, etc.
                • Spot the difference between Analyst Based Predictive Analytics and ML
                • Appreciate supervised, unsupervised, and ensemble ML models in a range of real-world applications

                Prescriptive Analytics in Finance

                Prescriptive analytics is a process that analyzes data and provides instant recommendations on how to optimize business practices to suit multiple predicted outcomes.

                  COURSE LENGTH

                  2 Hours

                  LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                  • Understand the integration of predictive and perspective analytics
                  • Study optimization and simulation tools within prescriptive analytics
                  • Utilize simulations to quickly assess business outcomes

                  Data Visualization and Data Story Telling

                  Data Visualization and Data Story Telling will help Finance leaders improve their ability to persuade within their organizations by speaking, writing, and visualizing data more effectively to diverse range of finance and business stakeholders.

                    COURSE LENGTH

                    2 Hours

                    LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                    • Understand the tools and methods for data visualization best practices
                    • Learn data visualization elements including principles of Edward Tuft
                    • Utilize the 6 elements of Data Storytelling including Gestalt Principle

                    Decision Science for Finance Leaders

                    The ability to derive insights and make good decisions is a central aspect of any business activity. This module will introduce strategies, frameworks and techniques to leverage data and insights to identify systematic biases and errors and becoming a better intuitive decision maker.

                      COURSE LENGTH

                      2 Hours

                      LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                      • Acquire greater insight into decision-making processes to make more effective decisions
                      • Better equipped to understand and influence the decision-making processes
                      • Understand better to make decisions when in risk and uncertainty